Friday, October 30, 2009

*Pumpkin Cupcakes*

These little pumpkin cupcakes are so cute and festive for Halloween!
To make, you can use mini-bundt pan molds, or any small mold you have (I did these with a flower bundt mold that I have). You could also just use regular cupcake pans if you want.

-1 package of white cake mix
-3 eggs
-1 and 1/4 cup water
-1/3 cup veg. oil
-orange food coloring (or red and yellow to mix)
green food coloring (or blue and yellow to mix)
-white frosting
-green licorice (they have mini green sour sticks), or any green or brown candy you can use as the stem

  1. Preheat oven to 350

  2. Mix cake according to directions on box

  3. use food coloring to dye the cake mix orange

  4. pour into pan/mold

  5. Bake according to directions

  6. let cool

  7. mix food coloring in frosting to make green

  8. frost the cupcakes with the green frosting to make it look like leaves on top

  9. put the "stem" in the middle


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